CSD's 24/7 emergency service in the event of natural disasters or chemical accidents (in Switzerland): 058/678 84 82 (more)
All CSD Services
CSD accompanies water on its journey from water resources to the tap of the private or commercial consumer.
Drinking water purification Cudrefin
Drinking water purification Muttenz, visitor center
We offer engineering services for water extraction, treatment, transport, storage and distribution. The main focus of these services is to achieve the “perfect water supply system” according to technical and financial criteria, tailored to local or regional conditions. We plan and implement an infrastructure and include it as part of the general context involving sustainability issues. Setting high requirements in terms of drinking water quality and treatment targets, which have been extended for some time in order to eliminate micropollutants, requires effective and efficient process engineering methods.
In the industrial sector, industrial water systems with their requirements specific to each industry are also covered by our services.
The irrigation water needs increase with climate change. The construction of irrigation networks ensures agricultural production during periods of drought. Irrigation systems fed from lakes or main rivers ensure the water supply and avoid overexploitation of groundwater or small rivers.
Advisory consulting for builders
Water catchment and water resources
Water treatment and purification
Water storage and distribution
Energy, control and supervision
Irrigation networks
ApaSan - Swiss Water and Sanitation Project Moldova
The ApaSan – Swiss Water and Sanitation Project in Moldova aims to improve rural water supply services. This shall be reached by investing in infrastructure development, by supporting the nationwide replication of decentralized rural water supply service delivery and management models and by improving conditions that allow effective replication of decentralized drinking water systems. The ApaSan Project is financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), co-financed by the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) and implemented by the SKAT Foundation Moldova.
M.Sc. Engineering, FH NDS ETHZ water management Head of water supply domain
Tel: +41 31 970 35 57 E-Mail