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Behind every load-bearing structure – whether for industrial buildings or museums – there are sophisticated calculations and thoroughly thought-out constructions. Our engineering know-how will carry buildings reliably into the future.
Structural planning of a building of the Holliger housing estate (Henauer Gugler AG, Bern-Holligen).
Lausanne-Chauderon – Union-Prilly Tunnel
The Lausanne–Echallens–Bercher metre gauge railway links the centre of Lausanne with the areas in the northwest of the city and the district of Gros-de-Vaud. To meet a demand to increase the fre-quency of the service, on the one hand, and to improve safety, on the other, the current tunnel needs to be extended to around 1.7 km. This work will allow a completely free-standing double-track infrastructure to be provided.
Msc Civil Engineer ETH Specialized in static and structures planning Head of structural engineering, Berne
Tel: +41 31 350 85 02 E-Mail
Civil engineer HTL/FH/SIA Executive MBA ZFH Chairman of the Executive Board Henauer Gugler AG Member of the Board of Directors CSD Holding AG
Tel: +41 44 360 58 38 E-Mail